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Les Idées influencent le Comportement meme les plus Bizarres

L’histoire montre que le comportement le plus bizarre est du aux idées qu’on a de la realité.

Sourate 9:111

“En vérité, Dieu a acheté aux croyants leurs personnes et leurs biens en échange du Paradis, en vue de défendre Sa Cause : tuer et se faire tuer. C’est une promesse authentique qu’Il a prise sur Lui-même dans la Thora, l’Évangile et le Coran. Et qui est plus fidèle à sa promesse que le Seigneur? Réjouissez-vous donc de l’échange que vous avez effectué ! N’est-ce pas que c’est là le comble de la félicité?”


Remarquez que c’est ecrit que ceux qui TUENT pour Allah iront au ciel au meme titre que ceux qui MEURENT pour Allah.

Les Basijis

Entre 1980-1988 s’est passé la guerre entre l’Iran et l’Iraq.Un million des morts,parmi eux des DIZAINES DE MILLIERS ( peut-etre 50.000) des enfants et des garcons de 12 a 18 ans,le BASIJIS.


Ils etaient ceux qui sont entrés dans les champs de bataille remplis des MINES sans RIEN,leur mission etait suicidaire,c’etait faire exploser les mines pour ainsi securiser l’entrée des soldats iraniens.Ils croyaient qu’ils allaient au paradis,basé sur la sourate 9:111 du Coran.Les idées influencent le comportement.

Les Azteques

Ils adoraient un dieu appelé Huitzilopochli,le dieu du SOLEIL.On croyait que chaque nuit le dieu du soleil luttait contre le dieu de la lune.Si le dieu du soleil gagnait le soleil apparaissait de nouveau,et la vie continuait.Mais le dieu du soleil etait tellement epuisé par la lutte qu’il avait besoin du SANG HUMAIN.


Les azteques sacrifiaient

1.Entre 15.000-25.000 hommes chaque ANNEE.

2.Alors entre 1420-1520 on a sacrifié comme 1 MILLION des hommes,le plus grand de l’histoire.On enlevait le COEUR d’un homme vivant.

3.Les idées influencent le comportement.Ils etaient convaincus a 100%  que sans les sacrifices le resultat serait litteralement la fin du monde.

Les Thugs

C’etait un groupe:

1.Secret de l’Inde qui entre 1200-1850 ont assassiné entre 50.000 ou meme 2 millions,le chiffre exact est difficile a determiner.

2.Ils adoraient la deesse hindou Kali,deesse de la destruction.

3.Pour lui plaire on se dediait a l’assasinat des voyageurs riches.Ils ne tueaient pas les enfants,les femmes,les malades,les pauvres,les hommes saints,les artistes,les poetes.Seulement les hommes riches,en les etranglant avec un morceau de tissu.Les idees influencent le comportement.

La Charte de Hamas

Le groupe terroriste fut fondé en 1987.En 1988 ils sont publié leur CHARTE ou est exprime leur “philosophie.”Les choses qui y sont ecrites sont epouvantables et bien JUDEOPHOBES,des declarations folles,par exemple:

1.Les juifs sont les responsables de la Revolution Francaise et de la Revolution Communiste.

2.Les juifs sont les responsables de la Premiere Guerre Mondiale.

3.Les juifs sont les responsables de la Seconde Guerre Mondiale.

4.Ils sont les responsables de la MAJORITE des revolutions faites au monde.

5.Ils sont aussi les responsables de la creation des franc-macons(alors Hamas se declare ennemi d’eux).

6.Et responsables du Club Rotary et du Club de Lions(et Hamas se declare ennemi d’eux aussi).

7.Ils sont les responsables du trafic de drogue mondiale.

On voit clairement qu’ils sont des extremistes et des fanatiques.


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Allah is a demon

Allah, a demon?

The Satanic Verses in Qur’an

Sura an-Najm (Star) 53:19-22

When Muhammad and his community came under severe persecution, eighty-three of his followers who had no protection emigrated from Mecca to Ethiopia, taking refuge in the ancient Christian country, Abyssinia.1 Under increasing boycotts and pressure, Muhammad went through a time of weakness and accepted a compromise by acknowledging the existence of three pagan goddesses alongside Allah: Lat, Uzza, and Manat.2 The account of this is in Sura an-Najm (Star) 53:19-22.

This indirect confession of polytheism, with the statement that Allah was involved with female goddesses while Muhammad and his people were left with men, was cynically discussed by author Salman Rushdi. He made the impure account even more obscene. Therefore, his book was regarded as blasphemous by all Muslims.

When the inhabitants of Mecca heard the confession of Muhammad about the existence of the ancient goddesses inside the Kaba, they immediately revoked their ban on him. Those who had emigrated to Abyssinia (Ethiopia) started to return home after hearing about Muhammad’s confession and the changes in Mecca. But when they arrived, they were shocked to hear that Muhammad regretted his confession and that he considered it as falling prey to the whispering of Satan. Thus, today Islam considers Sura an-Najm (Star) 53:19-22 as the Satanic Verses, rejected afterwards by Muhammad. Salman Rushdi did not invent these verses. They have been in the Qur’an since its inception.

In Sura Hajj (Pilgrimage) 22:52-53, Muhammad confessed his mistake, supposing that all prophets were tempted by Satan who would inspired them with his verses, as if they were actually revealed by God. But later on Allah abrogated these Satanic Verses with new revelations and judges his people according to these new verse. In Islam Allah permits such demonic inspiration to test weak Muslims or to cut off those with hardened hearts.

Never did We send a messenger or a prophet before thee, but, when he framed a desire, Satan threw some (vanity) into his desire: but Allah will cancel anything (vain) that Satan throws in, and Allah will confirm (and establish) His Signs: for Allah is full of Knowledge and Wisdom:
That He may make the suggestions thrown in by Satan, but a trial for those in whose hearts is a disease and who are hardened of heart: verily the wrong-doers are in a schism far (from the Truth): Hajj (Pilgrimage) 22:52-53. Yusuf ‘Ali’s translation

The true, vital issue about the Satanic verses in the Qur’an is this. If Muhammad were unable to distinguish Satan’s voice from God’s voice, could there then be verses in the Qur’an which Muhammad assumed were from God but were really from Satan? Maybe the whole Qur’an is Satanic in origin, in spite of Muhammad’s conviction that it was Allah who revealed the suras to him.

In Islam, the angel Gabriel is regarded as the Holy Spirit. For Muslims, no Holy Spirit exists as described in the Gospel. They believe that the spirit of God was originally created like angels and demons. The Muslim’s spirit of God has a beginning in time. There is no guidance by the spirit, no comfort, no everlasting life, and no spirit of Truth, because the Holy Spirit is only considered to be the Angel Gabriel.

The spirit in Islam, therefore, is not a divine one, but a spirit effecting deep devotion, repetitive worship, many prayers, fasting, almsgiving, and pilgrimages (Hajj). But there is no life or true Holy Spirit. There is only death.

You foolish Galatians! Who has bewitched you? Before your very eyes Jesus Christ was clearly portrayed as crucified.
I would like to learn just one thing from you: Did you receive the Spirit by observing the law, or by believing what you heard?
Are you so foolish? After beginning with the Spirit, are you now trying to attain your goal by human effort?
Have you suffered so much for nothing– if it really was for nothing?
Does God give you his Spirit and work miracles among you because you observe the law, or because you believe what you heard? Galatians 3:1-5 (NIV)

The god of Islam is a demon who appropriated for himself the name of Allah. By means of deep religiosity and devotion, this Allah has bound more than a billion Muslims in religious slavery, barring them from the gift of salvation in Christ. Indeed he has vaccinated them against understanding the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Found on  http://www.answersaboutfaith.com/english/issues/satanic/satanic.htm

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Maimonides' Opinion of Muhammad:he is Ha-Meshuga("the Madman")

The greatest Jewish  philosopher of the Middle Ages was Maimonides(1138-1204)

(Moses ben Maimon/Moses Son of Maimon).

He was born in Cordoba,Spain,just like Averroes(1126-1198),his contemporary.

His family had to flee Spain due to the Almohads,who ruled from 1147-1269,a fanatical Muslim group that persecuted Christians and Jews.In Judaism they say:

“From Moses(Note:of the Bible) to Moses(Note:Moses ben Maimon) there is none like Moses.


Islam for Dummies

In the books written by Muslim intellectuals they say Maimonides was well-treated by Muslims.It was true in Egypt,where his family settled,but not in Spain or Morocco,where the Almohads killed Jews.The same intellectuals are silent about what Maimonides really thought about Muhammad.

His Chefs D’Oeuvres

He wrote 2 great books:

1.Mishna Tora

Commentaries on Jewish law.

2.Guide for the Perplexed

A defense of Judaism.

The Epistle to the Jews of Yemen

The Jews of Yemen in Arabia were being persecuted and forced to become Muslim.They wrote to Maimonides for advice.His letter was Private,and it said:

1.That Jesus was a false Messiah and the son of a Jewish woman and a non-Jewish man.

2.That the affirmation that Muhammad was prophesized in the Old Testament was false.

3.That Muhammad was Ha-Meshuga,Hebrew for “the crazy man/lunatic/madman”.

Here is a link to the letter itself for reading:


Norman Stillman

The Jewish-American historian Norman Stillman has written that many Jewish intellectuals of the Middle Ages called Mohammed with the title of Ha-Meshuga which in means Hebrew “the crazy man/lunatic/madman”.


And if Maimonides had said to Muslims his True Opinion of Muhammad?

He would have been executed as a blasphemer,according to Islamic Law then.



Filed under A VRAI DIRE IN ENGLISH, Articles in English, Islam articles

About the Muslim and Skeptical Argument that the Barabbas who was released was really Jesus

In all 4 gospels there is the event where Pilate asks the crowd if they want him to release Jesus or Barabbas.The crowd chooses Barabbas.

In several early copies we have Pilate say if they wanted “JESUS BARABBAS or JESUS,the one called the MESSIAH?”to be released.Later copies have it only as Barabbas(no Jesus included).Scholars believe the original said Jesus Barabbas because there would have been no reason to add “Jesus” to Barabbas as an INTERPOLATION.

It is not surprising Barabbas should also have had Yeshua(Joshua,Jesus) as a name since it was a common Jewish name.

Bar-Abbas=Son of the Father

Then Jews had no last name.You were X,son of Y.The argument is the Barabbas-Jesus incident was invented or there was a confusion.The gospel writers got it confused.Or they invented the incident.Whatever happened Jesus Barabbas was simply Jesus of Nazareth,since:

1.In Aramaic Abbas means “Father” and Bar means “son”.

2.Father is also used in Judaism to refer to God(in the OT God is called Father about 15 times).

3.Jesus was the “Son of God”.

4.Jesus Son of God=Jesus Son of the Father=Jesus Bar-abbas.


So 2 scholars Hyam Maccoby (1924-2004),a Jewish NT scholar and Benjamin Urretia (born 1950,from Ecuador),in his “The Logia (sayings) of Yeshua” have said that they think when “Jesus Barabbas” was released by Pilate it was really “Jesus of Nazareth”.That Jesus was known locally as Jesus Son of the Father since Jesus often referred to God as ABBA,as appears in the gospels.Later they invented the event of 2 separate Jesuses.

Abbas as a Name

The argument would have greater strength if Abbas were ONLY used as a TITLE.But:

1.The Talmud(500 AD) has many,many examples where Abbas is used as a PERSONAL NAME in the GEMARA.The Talmud is made up of 2 parts:

a.The Mishna

b.and the Gemara(which is in Aramaic).

2.Archeological evidence:

The word Abbas has been found as a personal name in a 1st century burial in Givat Ja-Mitvar.

3.Even in Islam

The greatest Iranian king after CYRUS,founder of the Achemenid dynasty,which was destroyed by Alexander the Great 200 years later, was SHAH ABBAS the GREAT (1571-1629),the greatest monarch of the Safavid dynasty.There was even a Shah Abbas II(1633-1666)and a Shah Abbas III(died 1740).


The argument was that Jesus Barabbas does NOT mean Jesus Son of X(whose real name is Abbas) and only Jesus Son of the Father(title),but the evidence shows Abbas was a person’s real name.

Check Out the Formidable Michael Licona

He is a great scholar and his website is:


He also writes for:


Check out his debate on the resurrection of Jesus with Bart Ehrman (very scholarly debate):


Filed under A VRAI DIRE IN ENGLISH, Articles in English, Islam articles

Was Jesus for Killing Apostates?

In Muslim literature they say yes.Their argument is flawed.No taking into account the CONTEXT of Jesus’ time.

Mosaic Law and Non-Jews

Muslim writers always ignore that Jews say Mosaic Law is ONLY for Jews,99% of people are excluded.Mosaic law has some 12 cases for application of the death penalty.

1.The Book of Jubilees (2nd century BC)

In JUBILEES 7:20-28 is the first statements of the laws God wants for non-Jews(there is no death penalty there).

2.Acts 15(Council of Jerusalem decision about laws for non-Jewish followers of Jesus):

There is no death penalty.

3.The 7 Noahide Laws (500 AD in the Talmud)

It is for non-Jews,there is no death penalty.

MUSLIM ARGUMENT:”Christians have to OBEY MOSAIC LAW since Jesus followed it.”

Lack of knowledge of basic Judaism.Jesus and any other Jew would have said:”It doesn’t apply for non-Jewish followers of me.”


1.The Talmud(500 AD)

It is later but contains very old info says when Palestine became a real Roman colony in 6 AD the RIGHT to CAPITAL PUNISHMENT was taken away.

2.John 18:31

It confirms this. The Jewish leaders wanted to kill Jesus but couldn’t,they told PILATE they couldn’t apply the death sentence.

3.The Jewish Antiquities

JOSEPHUS says JAMES(half-brother of Jesus) was illegally killed by the High Priest.For that the Roman governor deposed him.

4.The only exception

It was if a non-Jew entered the Temple,an inscription with this exception found in 1871(it appears mentioned in Josephus).


1.The Zealots

They were ultranationalists,very violent,considered world’s first TERRORISTS(they even killed priests).

2.The Pharisees

They accepted the OT and ORAL LAW(the idea that on Mt.Sinai God gave Moses a WRITTEN LAW(Mosaic Law) and an ORAL one,passed on for centuries,till written down in 180 AD as the MISHNA).

3.The Sadducees

They only accepted the Pentateuch(first 5 books of OT),rejected the Oral Law,rejected RESURRECTION of DEAD(when dead that was it,no afterlife,no resurrection).

4.The Essenes

An ascetic group,numbered 4,000 according to Josephus.


So MORE than 20 YEARS before Jesus began his career the Jews didn’t execute anybody.


He would NOT have said:”Kill X apostate” in his 3 year career,or in his 33 years of life.Why?MATT 23:2-3 has Jesus say:””The TEACHERS of the LAW and the PHARISEES sit in the SEAT of MOSES(NOTE:they CORRECTLY interpret how and when to APPLY Mosaic Law).

So you must OBEY them and do ALL they tell you. But do not do what they do, for they do not practice what they preach.”


It’s a fact the PHARISEES had the policy of:”Obey the Romans,they have taken away our right to apply the death sentence in 6 AD.We will NOT obey some 12 Mosaic laws that have it.”


They were HILLEL and YOHANNAN BEN ZAKKAI.One lived 1 generation before Jesus,the other after him.Both were flexible and even eliminated a law from Mosaic Law due to circumstances,using a legal fiction invented by HILLEL called PROSBUL(or prozbul).

About the Great Hillel

HILLEL is famous for saying:”Do NOT do others what you do NOT want them to do to you.That is the TORAH,the rest is commentary.”And also:”If I am NOT for MYSELF then WHO will be for me.If I am ONLY for MYSELF,then what am I?If not now,then when?”In Judaism he is considered the GREATEST Jewish teacher between 537 BC-70 AD.

About Zakkai

Considered the saviour of Judaism and he who began the new age called Rabbinic Judaism(time of the rabbis,sucessors of the Pharisees).He escaped from Jerusalem when it was besieged by the Romans in 70 AD.He pretended to be dead,was taken out in a coffin.Appearing before VESPASIAN(and having nothing to lose)he prophesized he would be the next emperor.He did and as a reward was allowed to start an academy where he laid the foundation for the existence of Judaism without the Temple.

In Addition

The SADUCCEES were for the LITERAL application of the Mosaic Law that said “an eye for an eye,a tooth for a tooth”.The Pharisees said it meant:”The VALUE of an eye for an eye,etc.”So Jesus was with them on that.


The PHARISEES accepted the ORAL LAW.Jesus,from what is in the NT,rejected it.In the SERMON on the MOUNT in MATTHEW:

Jesus says “You have HEARD(NOTE:seems to mean the Oral Law)but I say to you”(Matthew 5:21/ 5:27/ 5:31-32/ 5:33-34/ 5:38-39/ 5:43-44.We also have:

The Traditions of Men

MATT 15:1-9 Jesus denounces the Pharisees for TRADITION not part of Mosaic Law(Oral Law):

The Text

“Then some PHARISEES and TEACHERS of the LAW came to Jesus from Jerusalem and asked,”Why do your disciples break the TRADITION of the ELDERS? They don’t wash their hands before they eat!”
Jesus replied, “And why do you BREAK the COMMAND of God for the sake of YOUR TRADITION(Oral Law)?

For God said, ‘Honor your father and mother’and ‘Anyone who curses his father or mother must be put to death.’
But you say that if a man says to his father or mother, ‘Whatever help you might otherwise have received from me is a gift devoted to God,’he is not to ‘honor his father’ with it. Thus you NULLIFY the word of God for the sake of your TRADITION.

You hypocrites! Isaiah was right when he prophesied about you:” ‘These people honor me with their lips,but their hearts are far from me.They worship me in vain;their teachings are but RULES TAUGHT by MEN.”


Reality check:

1.Matthew 23:2-3 has Jesus tell the PEOPLE to OBEY ALL the PHARISEES say since they have the SEAT of MOSES(authority on Mosaic Law).

2.The Pharisees said:”Obey the Romans,they took away our right to apply the death sentence in 6 AD,we won’t apply some 12 Mosaic laws that have it.”

3.Jesus agreed.

MUSLIM ARGUMENT:”The following shows Jesus said “KILL children who CURSE their PARENTS,as MOSAIC LAW says”(MATT 15:2-7):

“And why do you BREAK the COMMAND of God for the sake of YOUR TRADITION(Oral Law)?

For God said:
1.’Honor your father and mother’and

2.’Anyone who curses his father or mother must be put to death.'”

It is True

Those 2 laws are there.Muslims say:”Jesus was saying:”APPLY the DEATH sentence.”NO,otherwise he would 100% contradict himself in MATT 23:2-3.


It’s in HIS OWN EXPLANATION/INTERPRETATION of what he meant given in the next phrase:

“But YOU(note:Pharisees) say that if:

1.A man says to his father or mother, ‘Whatever help you might otherwise have received from me is a gift devoted to God,’he is NOT to ‘honor his father(NOTE:X Mosaic law)’ with it.

Thus you NULLIFY the word of God(NOTE: X Mosaic law to honor parents) for the sake of your TRADITION.”


The MOSAIC LAW that was NULLIFIED by the TRADITION of the PHARISEES(Oral Law?)and to which Jesus OBJECTED was ONLY:”not respecting Mosaic Law”honor father and mother.””THAT Mosaic law says NOTHING about a DEATH PENALTY.

Nowhere in his OBJECTION does he say:”Your TRADITION says he is NOT to “honor his father” AND NOT to “kill he who insults parents.”
Jesus accepted the Pharisees position on obeying the Romans.Corroborative evidence is:


Jesus confirms “separation of synagogue and state”.It’s a historical fact the Pharisees said:”Obey the Romans,no capital punishment.”


It was not originally in JOHN.But was added later.Yet most scholars believe it is an authentic oral tradition,or that it’s highly probable.They try to trick Jesus with “should we stone her?”A TRICK since:

1.If he said YES they would have DENOUNCED him to the Romans:”He BROKE the Roman law against a Jew applying the death sentence.”

2.If he said NO they would say:”He is saying to disobey Mosaic law.”

Matthew 5:17-20:

1.”Do NOT think that I have come to ABOLISH the LAW or the PROPHETS; I have not come to abolish them but to FULFILL them.

2.I tell you the truth, until heaven and earth disappear, NOT the SMALLEST LETTER, not the least stroke of a pen, will by any means disappear from the LAW until ALL is FULFILLED.

3.Anyone who breaks one of the least of these commandments and teaches others to do the same will be called least in the KINGDOM OF HEAVEN(NOTE:really Kingdom of God,but Matthew didn’t want to say “God”), but whoever practices and teaches these commands will be called great in the kingdom of heaven.

4.For I tell you that unless your RIGHTEOUSNESS SURPASSES that of the PHARISEES and the teachers of the law, you will certainly not enter the kingdom of heaven.”

What did Jesus mean?

The way I see it like this:it says he came NOT to abolish the LAW and the PROPHETS but to FULFILL them,and it will remain valid till ALL is FULFILLED.

ALL FULFILLED of what?First,he said he came to FULFILL the LAW and PROPHETS.The “law”or TORAH refers to Mosaic Law(613 rules) and is also used to mean the PENTATEUCH(first 5 books of OT),which has Mosaic Law in it.
The Pentateuch and the Prophets have prophecies about the FIRST and the SECOND coming of the Messiah.The “till ALL is fulfilled” refers to the prophecies of teh FIRST coming.

The Kingdom of God

MATT 23:2-3 and MATT 22:21 have Jesus accept the Pharisees position on obeying Roman law(which meant disobeying some 12 Mosaic laws).MATT 5 is by the SAME author.Either he has Jesus utterly contradict himself or the KINGDOM of GOD is NOT 1st century Palestine.Jesus says:”In an ideal society,where God rules(Kingdom of God)if you disobey the least rule you do wrong.But I take the position of the Pharisees,some laws are inapplicable in this situation(note:like HILLEL and ZAKKAI also concluded,they were flexible like Jesus.)”


He says the way the Pharisees are in conduct,not application of Mosaic law,makes it hard for them to ENTER the KINGDOM of GOD.This proves 100% Jesus is talking of an IDEAL situation,not that of 1st century Palestine.

In reality Muslims cherrypick and ignore info that is vital.

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Argument in favor of Jesus being Placed in a Tomb and not in a Common Grave for Criminals

About Joseph of Arimathea

The gospels say a man called Joseph of Arimathea put Jesus’ body in a new tomb,in a cave.There is John Dominic Crossan,ex-Catholic priest,Irish,is a cofounder of the very skeptical Jesus Seminar in 1985.For him and many others:

1.Jesus was NOT put in a cave,a tomb,it is an invention.

2.Jesus was put under ground.

They say:”The custom then was to put crucified criminels under the ground, in a common grave“.It is true.Yet we have the case of:


In 1968 was discovered an ossuary(bone-box)with the word Yehohanan.In it were the bones of a crucified man,with the nail on his ankle,the first time one had archeological evidence of a crucifixion.


We have:

1.He was a man about 28 who died at around the same time period as Jesus.

2.He was killed and buried in Jerusalem,like Jesus.

3.He had been condemned as a criminal,like Jesus.

4.The custom then was to put crucified criminels underground,in a common grave.

5.Yet Yehohanan was put in a cave,a tomb,following a religious custom,like Jesus.

It must be said that Flavius Josephus (37-100) has written that an exception was made in the case of Jerusalem,crucified Jews were allowed a decent burial,not to be dumped in a common grave.

What a Song!

It is “As the Deer”,based on Psalm 42:1-2,simply the best:


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Why Jesus would be Against Death for Apostates

In Muslim literature they say yes.Their argument is flawed.No taking into account context of Jesus’ time.

Mosaic Law and Non-Jews

Muslim writers always ignore that Jews say Mosaic Law is only for Jews,99% of people excluded.Mosaic law has some 12 cases for application of the death penalty.

Book of Jubilees (2nd century BC)

In Jubilees 7:20-28 is the first statements of the laws God wants for non-Jews (no death penalty here).

Acts 15

(Council of Jerusalem decision about laws for non-Jewish followers of Jesus):no death penalty.

7 Noahide Laws (500 AD in the Talmud)

For the non-Jews,it has no death penalty.

The Muslim Argument is:

“Christians have to OBEY MOSAIC LAW since Jesus followed it.”

Lack of knowledge of basic Judaism.Jesus and any other Jew would have said:”It doesn’t apply for non-Jewish followers of me.”


1.The Talmud (500 AD)but containing very old info says when Palestine became a real Roman colony in 6 AD the right to CAPITAL PUNISHMENT was taken away.

2.John 18:31

It confirms it,the Jewish leaders wanted to kill Jesus but couldn’t,they told Pilate they couldn’t apply death sentence.

3.The Jewish Antiquities

It confirms it also:JOSEPHUS says James(half-brother of Jesus) was illegally killed by the High Priest.For that the Roman governor deposed him.

4.Only exception:if non-Jew entered the Temple,an inscription with this exception found in 1871(it appears mentioned in Josephus).



They were ultranationalists,very violent,considered world’s first terrorists(they even killed priests).


They accepted the OT and Oral Law(the idea that on Mt.Sinai God gave Moses a WRITTEN LAW(Mosaic Law) and an ORAL one,passed on for centuries,till written down in 180 AD as the MISHNA).


They only accepted the Pentateuch(first 5 books of OT),rejected the Oral Law,rejected RESURRECTION of DEAD(when dead that was it,no afterlife,no resurrection).


An ascetic group,numbered 4,000 according to Josephus.


So more than 20 years before Jesus began his career the Jews didn’t execute anybody.


He would NOT have said:”Kill X apostate” in his 3 year career,or in his 33 years of life.Why?MATT 23:2-3 has Jesus say:””The TEACHERS of the LAW and the PHARISEES sit in the SEAT of MOSES(NOTE:they CORRECTLY interpret how and when to APPLY Mosaic Law).

So you must OBEY them and do ALL they tell you. But do not do what they do, for they do not practice what they preach.”


It’s a fact the PHARISEES had the policy of:”Obey the Romans,they have taken away our right to apply the death sentence in 6 AD.We will NOT obey some 12 Mosaic laws that have it.”

The Two Greatest Pharisee Teachers of All Time

They were Hillel and Yohannan ben Zakkai.One lived 1 generation before Jesus,the other after him.Both were flexible and even eliminated a law from Mosaic Law due to circumstances,using a legal fiction invented by HILLEL called PROSBUL(or prozbul).

About Hillel

HILLEL is famous for saying:

“Do NOT do others what you do NOT want them to do to you.That is the TORAH,the rest is commentary.”And also:”If I am NOT for MYSELF then WHO will be for me.If I am ONLY for MYSELF,then what am I?If not now,then when?”In Judaism he is considered the GREATEST Jewish teacher between 537 BC-70 AD.


Considered the saviour of Judaism and he who began the new age called Rabbinic Judaism(time of the rabbis,sucessors of the Pharisees).He escaped from Jerusalem when it was besieged by the Romans in 70 AD.He pretended to be dead,was taken out in a coffin.Appearing before VESPASIAN(and having nothing to lose)he prophesized he would be the next emperor.He did and as a reward was allowed to start an academy where he laid the foundation for the existence of Judaism without the Temple.

Plus,in addition

The SADUCCEES were for the LITERAL application of the Mosaic Law that said “an eye for an eye,a tooth for a tooth”.

The Pharisees said it meant:”The VALUE of an eye for an eye,etc.”So Jesus was with them on that.


The PHARISEES accepted the ORAL LAW.Jesus,from what is in the NT,rejected it.In the SERMON on the MOUNT in MATTHEW Jesus says “You have HEARD(NOTE:seems to mean the Oral Law)but I say to you”

It is in Matthew 5:21/ 5:27/ 5:31-32/ 5:33-34/ 5:38-39/ 5:43-44.We also have:


In Matthew 15:1-9 Jesus denounces the Pharisees for TRADITION not part of Mosaic Law(Oral Law):


“Then some PHARISEES and TEACHERS of the LAW came to Jesus from Jerusalem and asked,”Why do your disciples break the TRADITION of the ELDERS? They don’t wash their hands before they eat!”
Jesus replied, “And why do you BREAK the COMMAND of God for the sake of YOUR TRADITION(Oral Law)?

For God said, ‘Honor your father and mother’and ‘Anyone who curses his father or mother must be put to death.’

But you say that if a man says to his father or mother, ‘Whatever help you might otherwise have received from me is a gift devoted to God,’he is not to ‘honor his father’ with it. Thus you NULLIFY the word of God for the sake of your TRADITION.

You hypocrites! Isaiah was right when he prophesied about you:” ‘These people honor me with their lips,but their hearts are far from me.They worship me in vain;their teachings are but RULES TAUGHT by MEN.”


Reality check:

1.MATT 23:2-3 has Jesus tell the PEOPLE to OBEY ALL the PHARISEES say since they have the SEAT of MOSES(authority on Mosaic Law).

2.The Pharisees said:”Obey the Romans,they took away our right to apply the death sentence in 6 AD,we won’t apply some 12 Mosaic laws that have it.”

3.Jesus agreed.

MUSLIM ARGUMENT:”The following shows Jesus said “KILL children who CURSE their PARENTS,as MOSAIC LAW says”(MATT 15:2-7):

“And why do you BREAK the COMMAND of God for the sake of YOUR TRADITION(Oral Law)?

For God said:
1.’Honor your father and mother’and

2.’Anyone who curses his father or mother must be put to death.'”


Those 2 laws are there.Muslims say:”Jesus was saying:”APPLY the DEATH sentence.”NO,otherwise he would 100% contradict himself in MATT 23:2-3.


It’s in HIS OWN EXPLANATION/INTERPRETATION of what he meant given in the next phrase:

“But YOU(note:Pharisees) say that if:

1.A man says to his father or mother, ‘Whatever help you might otherwise have received from me is a gift devoted to God,’he is NOT to ‘honor his father(NOTE:X Mosaic law)’ with it.

Thus you NULLIFY the word of God(NOTE: X Mosaic law to honor parents) for the sake of your TRADITION.”


The MOSAIC LAW that was NULLIFIED by the TRADITION of the PHARISEES(Oral Law?)and to which Jesus OBJECTED was ONLY:”not respecting Mosaic Law”honor father and mother.””THAT Mosaic law says NOTHING about a

The Death Penalty

Nowhere in his OBJECTION does he say:”Your TRADITION says he is NOT to “honor his father” AND NOT to “kill he who insults parents.”
Jesus accepted the Pharisees position on obeying the Romans.Corroborative evidence is:

GIVE TO CEASER WHAT IS CEASER’S,TO GOD WHAT IS GOD’S (Luke 20:25/Matthew 22:21/Mark 12:17)

Jesus confirms “separation of synagogue and state”.It’s a historical fact the Pharisees said:”Obey the Romans,no capital punishment.”

The Woman caught in Adultery (John 8:1-11)

It was not originally in JOHN.But was added later.Yet most scholars believe it is an authentic oral tradition,or that it’s highly probable.They try to trick Jesus with “should we stone her?”A TRICK since:

1.If he said YES they would have DENOUNCED him to the Romans:”He BROKE the Roman law against a Jew applying the death sentence.”

2.If he said NO they would say:”He is saying to disobey Mosaic law.”

Matthew 5:17-20:

1.”Do NOT think that I have come to ABOLISH the LAW or the PROPHETS; I have not come to abolish them but to FULFILL them.

2.I tell you the truth, until heaven and earth disappear, NOT the SMALLEST LETTER, not the least stroke of a pen, will by any means disappear from the LAW until ALL is FULFILLED.

3.Anyone who breaks one of the least of these commandments and teaches others to do the same will be called least in the KINGDOM OF HEAVEN(NOTE:really Kingdom of God,but Matthew didn’t want to say “God”), but whoever practices and teaches these commands will be called great in the kingdom of heaven.

4.For I tell you that unless your RIGHTEOUSNESS SURPASSES that of the PHARISEES and the teachers of the law, you will certainly not enter the kingdom of heaven.”

What did Jesus mean?

The way I see it like this:it says he came NOT to abolish the LAW and the PROPHETS but to FULFILL them,and it will remain valid till ALL is FULFILLED.

ALL FULFILLED of what?First,he said he came to FULFILL the LAW and PROPHETS.The “law”or TORAH refers to Mosaic Law(613 rules) and is also used to mean the PENTATEUCH(first 5 books of OT),which has Mosaic Law in it.
The Pentateuch and the Prophets have prophecies about the FIRST and the SECOND coming of the Messiah.The “till ALL is fulfilled” refers to the prophecies of teh FIRST coming.


MATT 23:2-3 and MATT 22:21 have Jesus accept the Pharisees position on obeying Roman law(which meant disobeying some 12 Mosaic laws).MATT 5 is by the SAME author.Either he has Jesus utterly contradict himself or the KINGDOM of GOD is NOT 1st century Palestine.Jesus says:”In an ideal society,where God rules(Kingdom of God)if you disobey the least rule you do wrong.But I take the position of the Pharisees,some laws are inapplicable in this situation(note:like HILLEL and ZAKKAI also concluded,they were flexible like Jesus.)”


He says the way the Pharisees are in conduct,not application of Mosaic law,makes it hard for them to ENTER the KINGDOM of GOD.This proves 100% Jesus is talking of an IDEAL situation,not that of 1st century Palestine.

In reality Muslims cherrypick and ignore info that is vital.

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Again on Jesus and the Death Penalty

I had written before on this.Here I make one part clearer,which I think was not that well done:


“MATT 15:1-9 shows Jesus was REBUKING the PHARISEES because they had de facto NULLIFIED the Mosaic law of “death for he who curses his parents.”

The Pharisees and others had done it,no application of the death law for some 12 cases in Mosaic law.

MATTHEW 15:1-9:

“Then some PHARISEES and TEACHERS of the LAW came to Jesus from Jerusalem and asked,”Why do your disciples break the TRADITION of the ELDERS? They don’t wash their hands before they eat!”


Jesus replied, “And why do you BREAK the COMMAND of God for the sake of YOUR TRADITION(Oral Law)?

For God said, ‘Honor your father and mother’and ‘Anyone who curses his father or mother must be put to death.'”


Muslims argue Jesus rebukes them for breaking 2 Mosaic laws:honor parents/ death for he who curses them.Here Jesus just MENTIONS those 2 laws,they existed.So Jesus says,for them:”Kill children who curse parents.”


It says COMMAND of God,NOT commandments(plural).Jesus is REBUKING them because they BROKE ONE law by their TRADITION(they broke “honor parents”)


We know that by “You BREAK the COMMAND of God for the sake of your TRADITION” means:

1.Jesus was rebuking them for their position on ONLY ONE of the 2 laws(“honor parents”).

2.Because Jesus HIMSELF explains what he meant:


“But you SAY that if a man says to his father or mother, ‘WHATEVER HELP you might otherwise have received from me is a gift(Note:money) devoted to God(NOTE:to go to the TEMPLE),’he is NOT to ‘honor his father’ with it.”


In his OWN explanation of what law he was rebuking them for he ONLY mentions Mosaic law “honor your parents”.He nowhere says “honor your parents” and “death for those who curse parents”.Jesus approved of the Pharisee position of the non-application of the death penalty as I showed in my first article.If not he would have said:

“But you say that if a man says to his father or mother, ‘Whatever help you might otherwise have received from me is a gift devoted to God,’he is not to ‘honor his father’ with it AND YOU SAY not to kill those who curse their parents.”


Jesus in his speech was very expressive.He mentioned it to emphasize his POINT(breaking of law to honor parents,which is not a death penalty one):

“You,Pharisees,by X TRADITION are making others dishonor parents by NOT helping them,which breaks Mosaic law.
Oh Pharisees don’t you know Mosaic law says “death to he who curses them”?You,Pharisees,with X tradition are TELLING others to CURSE their parents by saying they will NOT help them with MONEY at all,it ALL goes to the Temple.”


That’s why he mentioned the 2nd law.MATT 23:2-3 shows he APPROVED of their interpretation/ application of MOSAIC law.It shows Jesus approved of them saying:”Do NOT apply the death penalty for cursing parents.”
MATT 15:1-9 is different,here he:

1. DISAPPROVES of their non-Mosaic tradition of NOT helping parents if the MONEY that should be for them instead goes to the TEMPLE.

2.By NOT helping them financially with X tradition they are CURSING them.

3.By CURSING them they are DISHONORING them.

4.They,the Pharisees,with X tradition,are the CAUSE of the cursing and dishonor of parents.They have responsibility,and THEY deserve DEATH,since the death penalty for those who “cursed their parents”is NOT the FAULT of those Jews who obey the Pharisees but the Pharisees themselves by convincing them to follow X TRADITION.See my point?


“Thus you NULLIFY the word of God for the sake of your TRADITION.”

2 Great Books

MARK GABRIEL is an ex-Muslim,now Christian.He was a professor at Al-Azhar University,Cairo,the most prestigious in the Muslim world.He has written:

Coffee with the Prophet

About a Muslim student who is beginning to lose his faith,goes to Mecca on a pilgrimage,meets a man called SHEIKH AHMED in a cafe,who turns out to be MOHAMMED himself.


Journey into the Mind of an Islamic Terrorist

Unique book,fascinating.The first and only book that gives the LOGIC and ARGUMENTS that are used to REALLY CONVINCE young Muslims to kill and blow themselves up.When MARK GABRIEL was a DEVOUT Muslim he heard them and was NOT convinced but his best friend Kamal was.He became a killer.Later he was captured,tortured and released.In the end Kamal became a Christian and was executed in Saudi Arabia.


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The Old Testament says the Messiah's name is Yeshua (Jesus)


The rabbis agree.Why?Because the word appears in the following(ALL considered by them to be Messianic):

Two Times in Isaiah

Isaiah 4:2-3:

“In that day the NETZER of the LORD will be beautiful and glorious, and the fruit of the land will be the pride and glory of the survivors in Israel. 3 Those who are left in Zion, who remain in Jerusalem, will be called holy, all who are recorded among the living in Jerusalem.”

Isaiah 11:1-2:

“A shoot will come up from the stump of JESSE;from his roots a NETZER will bear fruit.The Spirit of the LORD will rest on him,the Spirit of wisdom and of understanding,the Spirit of counsel and of power,the Spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the LORD.”

JESSE:he was the father of king DAVID(1 SAMUEL 16:1-13).

Two Times in Jeremiah

Jeremiah 23:5-6:

“The days are coming,” declares the LORD,”when I will raise up to DAVID a righteous NETZER,a KING who will reign wisely and do what is just and right in the land.

In his days Judah will be saved and Israel will live in safety.This is the name by which he will be called:The LORD Our Righteousness.”

Jeremiah 33:14-18:

” ‘The days are coming,’ declares the LORD, ‘when I will fulfill the gracious promise I made to the house of Israel and to the house of Judah.” ‘In those days and at that time I will make a righteous NETZER sprout from DAVID’s line;
he will do what is just and right in the land.

In those days Judah will be saved and Jerusalem will live in safety.This is the name by which it will be called: The LORD Our Righteousness.’

For this is what the LORD says: ‘David will never fail to have a man to sit on the THRONE of the house of Israel,nor will the priests, who are Levites, ever fail to have a man to stand before me continually to offer burnt offerings, to burn grain offerings and to present sacrifices.’ ”

The Targum

When the Jews returned from the Babylonian captivity in 537 BC they no longer spoke HEBREW but ARAMAIC,very similar, like Portuguese-Spanish are today.So when the OT was read in Hebrew it would be orally translated/interpreted/summarized.In the 1st century AD it was finally written down,the TARGUM(Hebrew for “interpretation”).


The TARGUM says Isaiah 53 and Isaiah 9 are about the Messiah(today the rabbis say no).The Targum also says these ZECHARIAH passages are Messianic:

Zechariah 3:7-8:

“This is what the LORD Almighty says: ‘If you will walk in my ways and keep my requirements, then you will govern my house and have charge of my courts, and I will give you a place among these standing here.

” ‘Listen, O HIGH PRIEST JOSHUA(Note:Joshua was high priest around 520 BC)and your associates seated before you, who are men SYMBOLIC of THINGS to COME: I am going to bring MY SERVANT,the NETZER.”


JOSHUA is HEBREW,in ARAMAIC it’s YESHUA(Jesus).Joshua-Yeshua are symbolic of the future,and it mentions NETZER(Messiah).


Zechariah 6:9-12:

“The word of the LORD came to me:”Take silver and gold from the exiles Heldai, Tobijah and Jedaiah, who have arrived from Babylon. Go the same day to the house of Josiah son of Zephaniah.

Take the silver and gold and make a crown, and set it on the head of the high priest, JOSHUA son of Jehozadak.Tell him this is what the LORD Almighty says: ‘HERE is the MAN(Note:Joshua) whose NAME is NETZER, and he will branch out from his place and build the temple of the LORD.”


It says the NETZER’s(Messiah’s) name is JOSHUA.Simple.

A Great Suggestion

MARY JO SHARP has very well-written articles in her website:


One is “The Fraudulent Claims of the Jesus Myth Theory”(that he never existed):



Filed under A VRAI DIRE IN ENGLISH, Articles in English, Christianity

L'Ancien Testament dit que le Messie sera Yahve en personne

Les usages linguistiques changent.AVANT en hebreu:
1.On prononce le nom de Dieu,YAHVE (jusqu’au 3ieme siecle avant Jesus).Pas aujourd’hui.On a substitue le mot Yahve par le mot ADONAI(“le Seigneur”).
2.On nommait des autels et meme la ville de Jerusalem avec le nom Yahve comme partie integrante(GEN 22:14/EXOD 17:15/JUGES 6:24/JEREMIE 33:16/EZECHIEL 48:35)

Les juifs n’ont JAMAIS,jamais,jamais nomme un etre humain YAHVE.

Si un JUIF nomme son enfant avec le nom YAHVE comme partie integrante,comme ELIYAHVE(mon Dieu est Yahve) c’est un blaspheme.
C’est comme si un MUSULMAN nomme son enfant ALLAHUAKBAR(Dieu est Grand)/ ALLAHURAHMAN(Dieu est Misericordieux)/ ALLAHUKAMAL(Dieu est Parfait).

JEREMIE 23:5-6
C’est sur le MESSIE,les rabbins sont d’accord:
“Voici, les jours viennent, dit YAHVE,où je susciterai à DAVID un germe juste(NOTE:un descendant de David);il régnera en ROI et prospérera, il pratiquera la justice et l’équité dans le pays.
En son temps, Juda sera sauvé, Israël aura la sécurité dans sa demeure; Et voici le NOM dont on l’appellera:YAHVE TSIDKENU(Yahve notre justice).”

Le messie est Yahve,c’est direct.L’usage linguistique des juifs l’indique.


Pourquoi?Les rabbins sont d’accord que le MESSIE sera un descendant du roi DAVID:

DESCENDANT DE ISAI(pere du roi David):ESAIE 11:1-2.Dans 1 SAMUEL 16:1-13 il y a l’histoire que Isai etait le pere de David.

(Pour la Bible en francais,et beaucoup d’autres langues):

Comme le messie serait un DESCENDANT d’un homme(David) et en meme temps YAHVE,c’est pas possible qu’il ait un pere biologique.La naissance d’une vierge est implique.

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