Daily Archives: May 9, 2010

The Great Philosopher Averroes and Apostasy

Averroes (1126-1198) is the best philosopher to come out of the Muslim world.He was born in Cordoba,Spain and is mostly famous for his commentaies on Aristotle(384-322 BC)the Greek philosopher,the best pupil of Plato(428-347 BC).Aristotle was Averroes’ intellectual idol.Muslim intellectuals in Europe always speak of him with pride.



Islam for Dummies

There are many books written by Muslim intellectuals in the West for non-Muslims and which mention (with pride)the case of Averroes,a hero of the intellect.It is to make non-Muslims have Islamic civilization in great esteem.There is even a French educational program called “the Averroes program”:

About Apostasy

He wrote a book called BIDAYAT AL-MUJTAHID(“The Distinguished Jurist’s Primer/Manuel”) where in Volume 2,Section 56.10 he says that an APOSTATE has to be killed because of a hadith/saying of Mohammed where Mohammed says “whoever changes his (Muslim) religion,then kill him.”

For X mysterious reason the same Muslim intellectuals do not say this troubling detail.The book is an important manuel,mutjahid means a jurist who is an expert on Islamic law.

If you wish to verify there is an English translation:


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